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Automated Dispensing Cabinet (ADC)


UnitBox, welcome to the new era of

Automated Dispensing Cabinets

UnitBox isn't just a product; it's a paradigm shift in hospital logistics and patient care. Crafted from years of intensive research and development, UnitBox epitomizes the next level of Automated Dispensing Cabinets (ADCs).

Our focus has been laser-sharp: create an ADC that doesn't just serve but elevates the entire ecosystem of a hospital.

We invested countless hours in honing an intuitive User Experience (UX), engaging with healthcare professionals to make the interface as seamless as possible. 

And the result? A streamlined process that brings a remarkable 27% time-saving in drug administration. That means more time for patient care, more efficiency, and significantly fewer errors.

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UnitBox addresses several major medication problems

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Inefficient Drug Management

Hospitals may overspend on medications by up to 30% incidents of theft and expiration occur, leading to waste.

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Patient Safety Risks

8-25% of medications in hospitals are administered incorrectly. This can result in prolonged hospital stays, complications, and even patient deaths.

Reduced Treatment Efficacy

Up to 17% of medications are administered outside of the prescribed therapy hours, potentially compromising the effectiveness of treatments such as antibiotic therapy.

Get your drugs under control


Complete drugs & healthcare automated solutions that support your growth


Medication errors reduction



Drugs costs reduction



Drug preparation time

reduced 12-57%

365 Days a Year

24/7 Quality Control Information About the System

UnitBox - Transforming Medication Management with Automated Cabinets

At UnitBox, we are committed to revolutionizing the pharmaceutical management landscape in healthcare facilities. Our Automated Medication Dispensing Cabinets are designed to address the pressing needs of hospitals, offering solutions to reduce medication-related costs, enhance the daily workflow of medical staff, and improve patient safety and health.

Transparency in Medication Management

UnitBox ensures full transparency in medication management with its state-of-the-art automated medication dispensing cabinets.

Real-Time Inventory Monitoring

UnitBox provides real-time monitoring of inventory levels, medication dispensing, and enables planning and optimization of pharmacotherapy expenses.

Efficiency and Cost Savings

Our automated medication cabinets are the answer to hospitals' needs for cost reduction by minimizing medication wastage and optimizing daily operations.

Enhanced Medical Staff Productivity

Our system significantly enhances the quality of medical staff work. Each nurse can access patient documentation from a centralized location, streamlining daily responsibilities.

Cutting-Edge Technology

We leverage cutting-edge technology to streamline the efficient flow of medications and medical supplies within hospitals.

Safe Medication Dispensing

Medications are dispensed in an organized and supervised manner. The automated medication cabinet allows access only after proper authentication and integrates with the Hospital Information System (HIS), enhancing patient safety.

Let's talk about your medication logistics

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Automatic Dispensing Cabinets
Complementary Product


Hospital ManagementHospital Professionals



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Pixel Technology Sp. z o. o.

Piękna 1, 93-558 Łódź, Poland

©2023 design by UnitBox

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